Top 40 MCQs of Computer E-Mail

E-Mail stands for Electronic Mail. E-mail is used to send and receive text, images, audio, and videos from one place to another place in the world. E-mail is used to send the message from one place to another place within seconds not only one user at a time but more than one person. It is … Read more

Types of Computer Network Quiz

A computer Network is a group of computers linked to each other computer over the internet. A Computer Network is used to connect more than one computer. A computer network is used to share data from one system to another system using Hardware sharing and software sharing. Hardware sharing includes a modem, printers, etc. Father … Read more

Computer Networking Quiz

Computer Networking connects more than one computer at a time. i.e it is used for sharing data and files from one computer to another computer. Computer Networking is used to connect two or more terminals or nodes for sharing their files from one place to another place. It is used to share files through hardware … Read more

Computer Internet Quiz

INTERNET: The Internet stands for a network of networks. The Internet is a worldwide network of computers that allows the public to share information all over the world. Internet shares the information globally. The Internet was developed by VINTON CERF AND ROBERT R. KAHN. Both of these developed TCP/IP for sharing billions of people. DARPA … Read more