Computer Internet Quiz

INTERNET: The Internet stands for a network of networks. The Internet is a worldwide network of computers that allows the public to share information all over the world. Internet shares the information globally.

The Internet was developed by VINTON CERF AND ROBERT R. KAHN. Both of these developed TCP/IP for sharing billions of people. DARPA was an organization funded by the united states that helped to develop the Internet. The world’s first operational network that came was ARPANET. ARPANET stands for Advanced Research Project Agency Network. ARPANET was the first network that United States departments developed. United states departments had developed it for military purposes.

USES OF INTERNET:- The Internet is widely used in each and every field of life. Some of the uses of the internet are discussed here.

  1. VIDEO CONFERENCING: Video Conferencing is a live discussion with two people or more than two people. Video conferencing, helps individuals to join video calls they are not able to meet somebody face to face because of lack of time or distance. At that time video conferencing played an important role in shortcoming the distance between both parties or more than two parties. Video conferencing provides a face-to-face connection. Some of the most used video conferencing platforms are zoom, Webex meetings, google meet, etc.
  2. SOCIAL MEDIA: Social media is means of interaction with people on the internet all over the world where the user wants to connect. It creates ideas, shares ideas among people, and exchanges information worldwide. It is the best way of communicating. Social media includes Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Telegram, Youtube, and Linked application with the help of which user connects friendly and shares their ideas with friends family friends. However, they are living outside the country and inside the country.
  3. SHOPPING: The Internet also plays an important role in online shopping. With the help of the internet, we can save the time that we people almost waste going to shopping malls. With the use of the internet, we can order everything online that reaches our doorstep where we want and it saves us time too. Famous shopping sites include Amazon, Flipkart, Snapdeal, Mantra, Nyaka, etc.
  4. Gaming:- Online Gaming is electronic gaming that is played on the computer with the help of the computer. On the internet, we can create groups and can play games with them. With the help of the internet, we can connect with people all over the world. The most popular online games are PUBG, Minecraft, Apex Legends, Hearthstone, League of Legends, Roblox, etc.
  5. E-MAIL:- Email stands for Electronic Mail. With the help of the internet, we can send and receive information all over the world through electronic mail. With the use of online mail, we can share our ideas with more than two people at the same time by writing letters. It is a time-saving process. Before the invention of the internet and email, we people used to write letters and then mail the letter through the post office. And it takes a lot of days to reach the message after many days. But the internet has made it easy to share messages within seconds from sender to receiver.
  6. INTERNET FOR STUDENTS: As we all know that internet has made it easy to teach students through audio-visual aids. The Internet provides audio-video aids that help students learn and acquire knowledge through an online learning platform. Students are learning and studying nowadays through online modes like youtube platforms.
  7. DOWNLOADING FILES: The Internet helps students to download files all over the teaching and learning platform through which students study these days. Before the internet, students had to make handwritten notes, but nowadays with the invention of the internet.


  1. HACKING: Hacking means misuse of information that is present in the computers, laptops, tablets, and smartphones that corrupt information of the users. Hackers hack all the data of the user from a computer through coding decoding methods sharing the link with the people whose information wants to take. When the user clicks on the link that is shared by the hacker with the user and if the user clicks on the link then all the information of the user goes to the hacker. Nowadays debit cards and bank accounts are also at the risk nowadays. The biggest hack history was yahoo. The attack comes in the year 2013 and affects a lot of people all over the world.
  2. VIRUS AND MALWARE: Virus and malware effects and corrupt computer files. The virus comes into the computer when we share defective files from one computer to another. It also shares when we use the portable devices with the computer which is affected and when we use the same machine with the other computer then it infects the files of another computer too.
  3. NOT SAFE FOR CHILDREN: Computer internet is not safe for children because it becoming day by day habit for children to use phones and the internet day and night for playing computer games or using social media.
  4. HEALTH ISSUES: Using the internet day and night also becomes a problem and coming health issues. Because it is always said that access to anything is bad. Health issues like eyesight effecting or other problems are sitting day and night create problems for the user without rest.
  5. VIOLENT IMAGES: Violent images on the internet are also one of the demerits which affect the lives of children as well as the users. Almost images that violate society’s rules also affect the life of the users may be children or students or mature ones.
  6. ADDICTION AND WASTAGE OF TIME: The Internet has also become a waste of time when it becomes an addiction. Addiction is dangerous whether it is to the internet or anything else. When the user uses the internet without any work it is the waste of time.


#1. Who is known as the Father of Internet?

#2. Which protocol is called the backbone of the internet.?

#3. What is the full form of ISOC?

#4. Who developed world wide web (world wide web)

#5. Which one is called the backbone of www?

#6. What is the full form of HTTP?

#7. What is called first page or default page of every website.

#8. What is the full form of IAB?

#9. Who developed TCP/IP?

#10. What is the full form of PHP?

#11. What is the full form of W3C?

#12. What is the name of First Browser which was later renamed Nexus.

#13. Which among the following was First Graphical Web Browser?

#14. MODEM stands for?

#15. Who created first search engine?

#16. A way of storing your favorite sites on the Internet is known as?

#17. Which of the following is required to create HTML document?

#18. Which is not a domain name extension?

#19. Which is a text field near the top of a Web browser window that displays the URL of the current web-page?

#20. What is the term used for measurement of how fast data moves from one place to another?

#21. Which of the following is the combination of numbers, letters, along with username used to get access to a user account?

#22. Which of the following is an example of web browser?

#23. Pop-ups are a form of ............... on the world wide web.

#24. Which of the following indicates a secure website.?

#25. HTML is which type of language?

#26. Which one allows you to search for files available on one or more FTP servers.

#27. WPA is a type of security used for what type of connection?

#28. What is the full form of www?

#29. Website is a collection of?

#30. A software program that lets you to use the Internet is called?


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